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Cloud Variables

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Cloud Variables are variables that persist across worlds.
They rely on paths and user/group ownership.

Cloud Variables have two parts:

  • Definition - Meta configuration of the variable; name, type, permissions, default
  • Values - Actual value, stored per-user

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Default values

There is some defaults to keep in mind when working with Cloud Variables:

  • If no default for the variable is given, the value returned is the one for this the type of the variable in C#
  • Read/Write permissions will default on variable_owner
  • List permission will default on variable_owner

Working with Cloud Variables


To define a Cloud Variable, you will need some information such as:

  • A path/name; for instance foo.bar
  • A type (bool, string:<maxlength; maximum is 8192; default is 256>, float, floatq, doubleq, color, datetime, timespan, short, int, uint, long, ulong, byte, double, decimal)
  • Permissions
  • A default (optional)

You can register Cloud Variables on both users and groups. Using a group has the advantage of having higher limits (8192 for a group vs 256 for a user) and additional permissions.

Creating Cloud Variables is actually really easy through commands sent to the Resonite Bot:


  • /createUserVar <path> - Creates a Cloud Variable with the given path
  • /setUserVarType <path> <type> - Sets the type of the variable
  • /setUserVarDefaultValue <path> <value> - Sets the default value of the variable
  • /setUserVarPerms <path> <action> <permission> - Sets the permissions of the variable

It is possible to do everything in one go using /createUserVar <path> <type> <default> <read perms> <write perms> <list perms>.


  • /createGroupVar <path> - Creates a Cloud Variable with the given path
  • /setGroupVarType <path> <type> - Sets the type of the variable
  • /setGroupVarDefaultValue <path> <value> - Sets the default value of the variable
  • /setGroupVarPerms <path> <action> <permission> - Sets the permissions of the variable

It is possible to do everything in one go using /createGroupVar <path> <type> <default> <read perms> <write perms> <list perms>.



Action Description
read Read values of a cloud variable
write Writes values of a cloud variable
list List all the values of a variable
all All the permissions above

Group/Type permissions

Type Description Locations Limitations
anyone Anyone can read/write the values. Recommended for reading public information but not writing Everywhere Cannot be used with write and list definitions on user owned definitions
definition_owner_only Only the user/group who defined the variable can read/write their own value Userspace/Safe context None
definition_owner_only_unsafe Only the user/group who defined the variable can read/write their own value Everywhere None
variable_owner Only the user who owns the variable value can read/write their own value Userspace/Safe context Cannot be used for list
variable_owner_unsafe Only the user who owns the variable value can read/write their own value Everywhere Cannot be used for list
Type Description Locations Limitations
definition_owner_only_contacts ? Userspace/Safe context Cannot be used for list
definition_owner_only_contacts_unsafe ? Everywhere Cannot be used for list
variable_owner_only_contacts ? Userspace/Safe context Cannot be used for list
variable_owner_only_contacts ? Everywhere Cannot be used for list
Type Description Locations Limitations
definition_owner Only the group who defined the variable can read/write it Userspace/Safe context None
definition_owner_unsafe Only the group who defined the variable can read/write it Everywhere None
The List permission

Due to the list permission being limited, here is the only type it can accept:

  • anyone - Only for group-based definitions
  • definition_owner
  • definition_owner_unsafe

Reading values


  • /getUserVar <path> - Gets the definition of the variable (type, perms, default value)
  • /getUserVarValue <owner> <path> <target user> - Gets a user’s variable value
  • /listUserVars <user> - Lists variable definitions of a user, requires the list permission


  • /getGroupVar <group> <path> - Gets the definition of the variable (type, perms, default, value)
  • /getGroupVarValue <group> <path> <target user> - Get a user’s variable value
  • /listGroupVars <group> - Lists variable definitions of a group, requires the list permission


On the component side, there is a bunch available in Cloud->Variables to interact with Cloud Variables.
To read values from them, you can use:

  • ActiveUserCloudField<T> - Will get a Cloud Variable value for the current local user and drive a value from it
  • ActiveUserCloudValueVariable<T> - Will get a Cloud Variable value for the current local user and put the value in a readable field instead
  • CloudValueField<T> - Gets a value from a Cloud Variable and drive a field from it while being able to specify any user
  • CloudValueVariable<T> - Gets a value from a Cloud Variable and display it in a readable field while being able to specify any user
  • CloudValueVariableDriver<T> - Gets a value from a Cloud Variable and drives a field from it while giving the option to override the user manually


In Protoflu(x), it is pretty simple, you will need to head to Variables->Cloud and use either a ReadObjectCloudVariable<T> or a ReadValueCloudVariable<T>, the difference between the two being some types like strings are object and others like booleans are basic values.

Both take the same arguments in:

  • Impulse - To trigger the read
  • Path - string
  • VariableOwnerId - string

And will return:

  • OnRequest - Pulses when triggering the read
  • OnDone - Pulses when the value is read successfully
  • OnFail - Pulses when the value has failed reading
  • Value - The value out of the Cloud Variable

Writing values


  • /setUserVarValue <user> <path> <target user> <value> - Sets an individual’s value


  • /setGroupVarValue <group> <path> <target user> <value>

Setting complex values

Complex values can be set in text like the following:

  • Use quote marks: "
  • For float3, try: [1; 0; 1]
  • For colours try: [1; 0; 0; 1]


In Protoflu(x), you can find the appropriate write variables in Variables->Cloud and use either WriteObjectCloudVariable<T> or WriteValueCloudVariable<T>, the difference being the same as with the reading Flux nodes.

Both will take the same arguments in:

  • Impulse - To set the value
  • Path - string
  • VariableOwnerId - string
  • Value

And will return:

  • OnRequest - Impulse
  • OnDone - Impulse
  • OnFail - Impulse

Deleting Definitions

Deleting definitions is really simple via commands:

  • /deleteUserVar <path>
  • /deleteGroupVar <path>

Other applications


You can use Cloud Variables to control multiple aspects of a headless session:

  • Roles
  • Allowing/Denying entry to the session
  • Provide a custom join denial reason

See the headless specific configuration page to see how to configure those.
Keep in mind using group Cloud Variables will give you more control.


To set roles via Cloud Variables, you need to keep a few things in mind:

  • The data type must be a string
  • It is recommended to use the definition_owner permission as others could allow users to override their own permission
  • If no value is set, other methods to determine the role will be used



ownerid value
U-j4 Admin
U-awa Builder


Allowing users

Before setting up the variable, keep those points in mind:

  • The variable type must be a boolean
    • If true, the user will be able to join
    • If false or no value, the user won’t be able to join
  • This is equivalent to sending an invite to the user
  • They can join regardless of user slots available
  • They can join even if the session is private (they will need a link for that)

Example setup:


ownerid value
U-j4 true
U-awa false
Denying users

It is setup the exact same way as the Allowing users variable, with a few differences:

  • True now signifies user cannot join the session
  • This takes precedence over everything else



ownerid value description
U-j4 false Access allowed
U-awa true Access denied
Join control

Again, setup exactly the same way as the Allowing users variable, this one is checked right before a user joins but doesn’t overrides any other checks.

For instance:


ownerid value
U-j4 true
U-awa false
Deny messages

When using requiredUserJoinCloudVariable, you can use the requiredUserJoinCloudVariableDenyMessage configuration key to set a deny message.
It can be useful for whitelisted sessions or events.